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Internationaal georiënteerd onderwijs
Mencia de Mendoza profileert zich met internationaal georiënteerd onderwijs. De school heeft twee locaties. Mencia de Mendoza Lyceum in Breda biedt onderwijs op havo-, atheneum- en gymnasiumniveau, al dan niet tweetalig. Ook is de Secondary van de Internationale School Breda onderdeel van onze school.
Mencia Sandrode in Zundert biedt naast een volledige mavo en havo ook de eerste twee leerjaren van vmbo-kader en de eerste drie leerjaren atheneum aan.
Internationally oriented education
Mencia de Mendoza chooses to profile itself with internationally oriented education. The school has two separate locations. Mencia de Mendoza Lyceum, located in Breda, offers education on HAVO (Higher general secondary education), Atheneum (Grammar school) and Gymnasium level, both in Dutch as well as bilingually. The Secondary of the International School is part of our school as well.
Mencia Sandrode, located in Zundert, offers vmbo-t (preparatory theoretical middle-level vocational education), havo (Higher general secondary education), the first two years of vmbo-k (preparatory middle-level vocational education) and the first three years of Atheneum (Grammar school). Upper secondary Atheneum (Grammar school) students continue their education at Mencia de Mendoza in Breda.
Onze vacatures
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